
UO Onward

Setting a Course for the Future

What is UO Onward?

As we forge a path for the future, UO Onward is the institutional priority-setting effort we have undertaken this academic year. The result of UO Onward will be a five-year strategic plan for the university.

UO Onward takes place over the 2023-24 academic year in four phases:

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Input sessions and surveys (fall)

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Compile input, analyze, and draft (winter and early spring)

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Engage the community in review of key elements of the strategic plan (spring)

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Activate campus partners to align their goals and strategies and begin work to implement plans (summer+)

Where are we in this timeline?

UO Onward began in Fall 2023 with strategic engagement, a series of input sessions and online surveys to gather community members’ perspectives and ideas on a set of 10 proposed goals organized under three priorities. Twenty-five facilitated sessions (in-person and Zoom) were held, and hundreds of surveys were completed.

In Winter 2024, the goals were revised based on the input gathered from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other stakeholders.

In Spring 2024, goal teams were tasked with creating draft institution-level key performance indicators and broad strategies, using the input gathered in the Fall 2023 strategic engagement sessions to inform their work. Goal team recommendations were presented to university leadership for consideration in late spring.