Process and Timeline
Inclusive, Transparent, and Focused on the Future
Over the course of the 2023-24 Academic Year, the UO Onward team is engaging with internal and external constituents in an inclusive and transparent process to help shape UO institutional priorities, goals, and strategies.
A set of institutional priorities and working goals were shared with members of the UO community. Input was collected from 25 live (in-person and zoom) sessions, and a Qualtrics survey. Input consisted of two main types of information: 1.) Questions/Concerns and 2.) Strategies/Ideas- all related to the university’s draft priorities and working goals.
Input from all sessions was analyzed and used to revise the priorities and working goals into four final university priorities.
In winter 2024, cross-functional goal teams were convened to develop potential broad strategies and key performance indicators to support the updated priorities. Together, these will form the key elements of a broad, institution-level strategic plan.
In the coming months this plan will become a roadmap for action and alignment. Every school/college, division, and department will have the opportunity to identify ways to align their “unit-level” priorities, activities, and resources with the plan, informed by the input received and leveraging the expertise of their own faculty and staff and the experience of our students.
University leadership is currently reviewing the key performance indicators and strategies recommended by goal teams to include in the institutional strategic plan.
The UO Onward team sought final community-wide input to inform the launch phase of the planning process through surveys.
This plan will become a living document and roadmap for action. Every school/college, division, and department will have the opportunity to identify ways to align their priorities, activities, and resources with this broad institution-level strategic plan, leveraging the expertise of their faculty and staff and the experience of our students.