Strategic Engagement Input Session

Institutional Priorities and Proposed Working Goals

Student Learning and Achievement: A world-class education for all our students that includes enriching experiences and guides them on their journey to becoming fulfilled citizens. 

Working Goals:

  • Improve time to degree, e.g., four-year and six-year graduation rates.
  • Improve post-graduation success and become a leader among public research universities in career preparation.
  • Close equity gaps in student learning and achievement.
  • Curate an outstanding environment for teaching and learning.

Elevate Our Outstanding Scholarship and Service: Elevate UO’s reputation for outstanding scholarship and service by capitalizing on our distinctive strengths and innovation.

Working Goals:

  • Support curiosity-driven research that expands the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of what it means to be human.
  • Serve the state of Oregon and beyond—as a driver of ideas, innovation, and prosperity.
  • Execute on efforts that are outstanding and distinctive nationally and internationally at the UO, like the Oregon Bach Festival, Oregon Hazards Lab, Knight Campus, and Ballmer Institute.
  • Leverage our reputation for excellence and innovation in athletics to elevate the whole university.

Campus Belonging: Embracing our shared humanity and individual wellbeing. 

Working Goals:

  • From our foundational work on diversity, equity and inclusion, build a culture where everyone feels a deep sense of belonging.
  • Create a community in which every member can flourish.