three people talking at a table, one person is using a laptop

Goal: Become a Leader in Career Preparation

A degree from the University of Oregon should be a launchpad

We have a responsibility to our students and families to ensure that our students’ time at the University of Oregon prepares them for the opportunities and challenges of a complex globally connected world. We will meet this responsibility by increasing connections and experiences for students in ways that more directly prepare them for successful pursuits after graduation.

Large and small businesses, start-ups, nonprofit organizations, and state and federal government all seek graduates who have developed the skills that prepare them to contribute, innovate, and lead in the modern workplace and in our broader society. Graduates are best served by cultivating such skills through both a rigorous education and opportunities to apply that education in real-world settings.

Key Performance Indicator

  • Percent of recent degree-completers who have positive outcomes within six months of graduation 


To be a leader among the nation’s public research universities in career preparation, we will:

  • Define career readiness and experiential learning to establish a common understanding and language across the university.
  • Engage and support academic units, faculty, and staff to embed career-focused transferable skills into curriculum.
  • Establish “career communities” to provide industry-informed career guidance for students.
  • Leverage our alumni network to provide students opportunities for experiential learning, internships, and jobs.
  • Adopt a campus-wide student and alumni engagement platform to facilitate student and alumni engagement.

Goal Owners

  • Christopher P. Long, Provost and Senior Vice President
  • Angela Chong, Vice President for Student Life

Goal Owners will work with appointed chairs to establish collaborative workgroups, representing diverse areas of the university, that will drive completion of the milestones assigned to each of the goals' multiple strategies for this academic year and beyond.


Strategy Development Team (Winter 2024)

The strategy development team established strategies, key performance indicators (KPIs), and actionable tactics to achieve the overarching goal of Becoming a Leader in Career Preparation.

  • Kris Winter (Chair), Interim Vice President, Division of Student Life
  • Raphe Beck, Executive Director of UO Alumni Association, Associate Vice President of Alumni Relations, University Advancement  
  • Jamie Bufalino, Associate Dean Undergraduate Education, College of Arts and Sciences  
  • Ofuma Eze-Echesi (Data Team), Senior Research and Data Analyst, Office for Research and Innovation
  • Brian Fox (Data Team Chair), Associate Vice President BFADA, Finance and Administration 
  • Carol Gering, Associate Vice President Online and Distance Ed, Office of the Provost  
  • Tina Guldberg, Assistant Vice President Economic Development and Industry Engagement  
  • Claire Matese (Data Team), Assistant Director, Institutional Research 
  • Karl Reasoner, Senior Program Manager, Office for Research and Innovation  
  • Gene Rhee, Executive Director Industry and Alumni Engagement, Lundquist College of Business  
  • Paul Timmins, Executive Director, University Career Center  
  • Stacey York, Senior Director of Professional Development and Workforce Readiness, Knight Campus Graduate Internship Program  

Support Teams

Information about these support teams will be provided as details become available.