group of students outside on campus

Goal: Create a Flourishing Community

The University of Oregon’s most important asset is its people.

To succeed, we know that university must create and sustain a sense of community that can drive alignment, attract talent, and foster the well-being of all. To accomplish this, we will create programs, processes, and structures that will make us known as a university that authentically supports the flourishing of our students, faculty, and staff.

Explore How We Define Flourishing

Key Performance Indicators

  • Percent of flourishing students (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Percent of flourishing employees


To create a flourishing community, we will:

  • Create and adopt a survey-based measure of community flourishing.
  • Expand access to existing innovative credit-bearing courses that emphasize human flourishing.
  • Coordinate existing employee development and employee engagement opportunities and align these efforts with shared outcomes that enable flourishing and create a respectful and inclusive workplace.
  • Build on successful efforts to recruit and retain a diverse faculty and staff.
  • Support infrastructure to meet the needs of an evolving student population.
  • Enhance business practices, processes, systems, and tools to support the needs of the university community effectively and efficiently.

Academic Year 2024- 2025 Milestones

Survey Based Measure of Flourishing

  1. Set expectation that data team collaborate with required partners.
  2. Identify domains of flourishing for student and employees and ensure they are appropriately aligned.
  3. Create, test, and adopt survey to measure flourishing.
  4. Identify ways to incentivize participation in the flourishing survey.
  5. Use data to identify the evolving student populations on our campus, including intersectional populations (biracial, disabled, international).

Expand Flourishing Courses

  1. Ensure that we have alignment on the definition of flourishing and that it is multi and inter-disciplinary in its definition.
  2. Using adopted domains of flourishing, develop/identify common leading outcomes for course that emphasize human flourishing.
  3. Identify existing courses with these outcomes.
  4. Select courses to expand, and/or create a process/incentives for new courses to be created.
  5. Identify resources required for expansion.

Employee Development and Engagement

  1. Identify/prioritize steps from the Campus Climate Implementation Plan to implement in AY 24-25.
  2. Implement prioritized steps.
  3. Create a new community of practice for people across campus providing professional development to coordinate existing efforts and align our work.
  4. Use the IDEAL summit as a model for initial work on connection and coordination around flourishing.

Recruitment and Retention

  1. Assign to collaborative team co-led by DEI and HR to identify top/ most impactful opportunities to build on our recruitment and retention successes factoring in faculty, OAs, and classified staff related strategies and best practices. Identify resources required to expand most impactful efforts.
  2. Work with Oregon Rising Data Team to disaggregate demographic turnover data and identify other data sources relevant to retention and recruitment (contact Daryl Smith - Claremount Graduate School).
  3. Convene a meeting of the deans to consider coordinated strategies for recruitment and retention.
  4. Convene a group co-led by HR and SL to discuss retention of non-faculty employees.

Infrastructure for Students

  1. Assign HSI work to Committee.
  2. Develop an implementation plan for approved recommendations from the 2023 HSI report.
  3. Implement campus-based food pantry approved by BAG.
  4. Seek support for additional funds for Summer Bridge.
  5. Develop a structure within Student Life to support a comprehensive wellbeing initiative for students across divisions.

Business Practices, Processes, Systems, and Tools

  1. Identify and analyze feedback we have received from the university community regarding university business practices.
  2. Coordinate the transfer of feedback with the leaders of each portfolio for which improvement opportunities were provided.
  3. Publicize and communicate progress-to-date on various business processes, practices, and technology projects, as well as future improvement and project plans.

Goal Owners

  • Christopher P. Long, Provost and Senior Vice President
  • Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
  • Mark Schmelz, Chief Human Resources Officer and Vice President
  • Angela Chong, Vice President for Student Life

Goal Owners will work with appointed chairs to establish collaborative workgroups, representing diverse areas of the university, that will drive completion of the milestones assigned to each of the goals' multiple strategies for this academic year and beyond.



Dedicated teams are actively working together to create a flourishing community.

  • Flourishing Data Team
  • Flourishing Courses Workgroup
  • Campus Climate Advisory Group
  • Professional Development Community of Practice
  • Hispanic Serving Institute Advisory Group
  • Recruitment and Retention Research Team
  • Student Well-Being Action Team
  • Business Practices, Processes, Systems, and Tools

Explore Workgroups

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